/BCO-DMO/Reef_Ecosys_OA_Impact/calcification_comparison --site eq Hawaii-- Level 1

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# Comparison of coral calcification response in Palau Porites coral to reponses observed in other studies
# PI: Anne Cohen (WHOI)
# Contact: Hannah Barkley (WHOI)
# Version: 30 June 2017
reference               site          study_type    
Comeau_et_al._2014      Hawaii        Laboratory    
omega_AR  standardized_calcification_anom  
1.83      -1.49                            
1.83      -1.47                            
1.83      -1.17                            
1.83      -1.12                            
1.83      -0.87                            
1.83      -0.74                            
1.83      -0.69                            
1.83      -0.19                            
1.83      0.04                             
1.83      0.46                             
1.83      0.98                             
1.83      1.52                             
2.36      -1.2                             
2.36      -0.97                            
2.36      -0.96                            
2.36      -0.53                            
2.36      -0.37                            
2.36      -0.13                            
2.36      -0.06                            
2.36      -0.02                            
2.36      0                                
2.36      0.06                             
2.36      0.47                             
2.36      1.13                             
3.31      -0.97                            
3.31      -0.71                            
3.31      -0.48                            
3.31      -0.26                            
3.31      -0.15                            
3.31      -0.12                            
3.31      -0.06                            
3.31      -0.06                            
3.31      0.12                             
3.31      0.28                             
3.31      0.43